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 specific diagnosis

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

specific diagnosis Empty
PostSubject: specific diagnosis   specific diagnosis Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 3:06 pm

Tumours is a frequent complication of neutropenia, thereby confirming the importance of Klebsiella in protecting the body from infection. Light damage can take place in the form of primary and secondary acute and chronic candidiasis. Primary is usually acute, secondary to chronic. Primary acute lung candidiasis usually develops in the face of treatment with antibiotics glukokorticosteroidami, zitostatikami and antimetabolitami. Clinical presentation The severity of the disease can be mild, medium, heavy. Application weakness, malaise, the decline of efficiency, headache pain. Body temperature usually remains normal. Some patients disease begins with acute recovery temperature to the high figures. A "grinding" dry cough, pain in the chest associated with breathing. The minor in the early stages of disease reminds bronchitis with a strong asthma patients without or with little, greyish colour, sometimes with the smell of yeast mocrotoi in dry and moist and large srednepuzyrchatami company. A more difficult course, and at a later date would have focal or lobarna pneumonia characteristic unstable infiltratami volatile. In severe cases, kandidoznaya pneumonia can be compounded plevritom. The general state normally heavy, high or moderate fever, nearly constant cough, accompanied by abundant culture, krovoharkanye often pain in the chest blunt nature. Diagnostics Changes gemogramma pattern. There lakopenia, bazofilia, eozinofilia, neitrofilez, monocitos and limfopenia. Ray picture. At ray revealed multiple spotted shading due pnevmonicakimi pockets small size, and atelektaza. The large size pockets are usually in the lower divisions lungs. Sometimes there miliarnae shading ( "snow flakes"). Roots easily expanded. Sometimes found tajistye shadows from the centers shading going to pricornevam lymph nodes. For kavernozna form a pattern of narrow cavities and relatively rapid regression, pending complete disappearance by Fungus treatment. The specific diagnosis is based on a cause of the patients, Bronchus secret and Industrial water respiratory tract. The reaction bonding complement, the reaction agglutination. Highly sensitive method fluorescent antibody. Vnutrikojnuu applied to the sample kandidoznam allergen. Treatment with skin 4-8 a topical treatment nistatinova sugar or cream containing ziklopirox. Tumours mucous membranes of the oral cavity reacts to the tablets with klotrimazolom (five times a day) are better than they have been for the suspension nistatinom. Ketokonazol 200-400 mg / day or flukonazol 100-200 mg / day effective in the digestive 4-8. In severe cases, using amphotericin B 0.3 mg / kg per day intravenously within 5-10 days. When HIV flukonazol consider to be the most effective drug in the treatment of candidiasis of the mouth and oesophagus.
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