The final part of the diagnostic searching the currency is very important because : 1) helping to put the final diagnosis; 2) demonstrates the severity immune disorders and the extent of damage to internal organs; 3) the extent of the pathological (volchanerngo) process. At the end of the most important laboratory tests of blood. Has two indicators : 1. Of direct diagnostic value (expressed detect immunological violations) : a) Le-kletki (red cells Lupus) - mature neitrofila, faguoqitirute nuclear proteins other blood cells disintegrated by the action antinuclearnogo factor; 6) antinuclearnyi factor (ANF) is a complex antinuclearnah antibodies circulating in the blood (in the high-epidemiologist 1:32 and above); c) antibody nativa (i.e. a molecule) DNA; d) antibody Sm-adernomu antigen; these antibodies as specific SCR (method immunofloreszention they found in 30% gemagglutination method in 20% of cases); e) the phenomenon of "power" - are freely modified kernels in the tissues (gematauxilinove cells) surrounded leikotitami. 2. Nonspecific ostrofazove indicators, which include : a) desproteinemia sensitive α2- and γ-globulinov; B) the emergence of S-reaguogo protein; C) increase in fibrinoguena; G) Increasing Monday. When expressed joint lesions can be detected in a small epidemiologist RF (rheumatoid factor), the antibody immunoglobulin Fc-fragmentu Class G. Russia expressed through reaction Vaaler-rose or latex-testa. In the study of peripheral blood can identify lakopenia often expressed extent (1-1.2 * 109/l blood), with the development of leukocyte formula blood to the young forms and mielozitov combined with limfopenia (5-10% lymphocytes). There are moderate Iron-deficiency anaemia, in some cases, haemolytic anaemia (with jaundice, retikulozitozom positive sample Kumbsa). Just rare anaemia, combined with Verlgofa syndrome. To defeat the kidneys are changes in the urine, which can be classified as follows : 1) subklinica proteinurija (protein content in the urine of 0.5 g / day, often in combination with a small lakotsyturiei and eritrotsyturiei); 2) a commitment proteinurija, the expression nefroticski syndrome accompanying podostry or active volchanochny nephrite. Very high proteinurija (such as when amiloidoze) are rare. There gematuria moderate. Lakotsyturia may be the consequence of volchanerngo inflammation of the kidneys, and as a result of neredki secondary urinary tract infections. Very high-lakotsyturia a secondary bladder infection. Morphologically, in punktini kidney biopsy, revealed nonspecific mezangiomembranoznae changes, often with fibroplasticski component.