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 chronic stage of the process

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

chronic stage of the process Empty
PostSubject: chronic stage of the process   chronic stage of the process Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 12:11 pm

Diagnostics Even the acute illness, in the history of hypertension hypertension, there are external signs of illness Marfana. With standard inspection more than half of the patients asymmetry device and the level of blood pressure in the upper and lower extremities. In some cases, the pulse is not defined; Showing signs of acute or chronic Ischemia. Most lower rate and pressure on the left hip. If England can be increased Mediastinum left or right. Auscultatory the ascending part of the primitive type II stratification Even sistoliceski heard noise. Almost half of the patients showing signs aortalna deficiency diastoliceski noise and the reduction of diastolic blood pressure. In some cases, the area of heart heard noise friction pericardium. The distribution division at the top predator sistoliceski noise can be determined at the rear of mejlopaterny and paravertebralno left in the lumbar area. The noise heard on the ventral part of predator and the epigastria. Identification pulsation sleepy artery systolic and noise over them to determine involvement in the arms of primitive arc. Crucial to the diagnosis anevrizm I and III of the spread of the distribution arm of the arteries is palpathornoe definition of its duration, which can be strengthened. Aorta with palpation extended soft to the touch, podatliva by an increase in the false clearance. There may be big false anevrizma ventral arteries, usually separated from the rib bow. The electro serve mainly two purposes : to establish or exclude acute myocardial infarction (this diagnosis is almost 90% of patients with distance arteries). If there are signs of acute myocardial infarctions and ECG data must be compared with the data of X-ray chest, as the shadow of upstream rivers suggests that the patient rasslaivatuyu anevrizmu I type involving the estuaries coronary arteries. Moreover, the signs of acute coronary insufficiency out as a tactic of the patient to the operation once the stratification rivers, and its nature. Fonocardiografia the auskultace data and allows the capture of patient aortalna failure. Volumetric sfigmografia and ultrasonic dopplerografia reveal "interest" main arteries of limbs, clarify distribution process, particularly blood to the brain, as well as involvement in the process stratification sleepy and vertebral arteries. Of great importance in the diagnosis rasslaivath anevrizm breasts predator is X method. Almost all patients revealed the shadows upper mediastinum. The bottom part Even better record in the left oblique projection. In the same projection can be seen and shadow descendants of the arteries. Expanding its shadow is, the 50% of patients with type I stratification and 100% of patients with type III stratification. There are rough contours of the top predator and distortion of the shadows. Rentgenologicaki can identify fluid in the pericardium cavity and chest cavity, even in the chronic stage of the process. For further diagnosis greater role is a dynamic X-ray study. Echocardiography can accurately record a double opening up arteries, as well as the aortalni valve and the pericardialland effusion in the intimidating fracture arteries. High informative possibilities in the diagnosis rasslaivath anevrizm rivers and computed tomography while rentgencontrastny introduction of the substance. It allows you to differentiate normal coronary anevrizma breasts arteries from clogging false requirement in its stratification. Final diagnosis method is the total aortografia. Its features are that the transfemoralnom catheter access, in some cases, did not fall within the true clearance rivers, which flow method is considerably diminished. In such cases, better access transaksilliarny right.
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