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 treatment of certain forms

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

treatment of certain forms Empty
PostSubject: treatment of certain forms   treatment of certain forms Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 11:31 am

It is known that among agents gnano-vospalitiona disease specific locations are opportunistic pathogens nesporoobrazute (neclaustridiale) anaeroba mainly bakteroida different natural resistance to most antibiotics. High level antibiotikorezistent nosti a strictly differentiated approach to the use of antibiotics, which arsenal of antibiotics added "second generation" new аминогликозиды, макролиды, automotive пенициллины, цефалоспорины, линкомицин, фузидин, automotive and аминогликозиды тетрациклины etc. The effectiveness of these antibiotics 2-3 times the effectiveness of antibiotics "first generation". Among the antibiotics, the use of which is shown in the treatment of gnano-vospalitiona diseases, most notably below. Penicillin - benzylpenicillin (natural antibiotic). Trucks penicillin : penitsillinazoustoichi • - oxacillin, metitillin, dikloksacillin; automotive penicillin broad-spectrum-ampicillin, carbenitsillin, ampiox (integrated product tables and oxacillin). Zefalosporin - kefzol (cefazolin), zefaleksin, cypermethrin is zefalosporin first and second generations. " Currently being цефалоспорины preparations of the third and fourth generations "ceftazidime, цефотаксим (клафоран), ceftriaxone, цефепим (Generation IV), etc. Аминогликозиды, gentamicin, kanamycin, сизомицин, тобрамицин, semi-аминогликозиды amikacin and нетилмицин. Тетрациклины - tetracycline, окситетрациклин; Tetratziklin semi-metziklin, doxycycline. Other antibiotics used to combat non-abdominal infection, linkomicin, fuzidin, erythromycin phosphate (from the group of macrolides). The dental limited its use is possible only if the distributed sensitivity microflora. Treatment гнойно-воспалительны streptomycin diseases does not apply. Its use is possible only for the treatment of certain forms of tuberculosis, endocardita (by enterokokkami), in combination with other antibiotics. Similarly, sharply narrowed because of the high resistance and high toxicity testimony to monomitino and limited Pharmacological Committee only cutaneous leishmaniasis. Testimony to the appointment levomicetina also restricted to the cases of anaerobic infections nesporoobrazoutei when it can be used in combination with aminoglikozidami. Similarly, the evidence is limited to the appointment of protivostafilokokkov s ристомицина antibiotic because of its high toxicity. The protivostafilokokkov s antibiotics today are automotive enitsillinazoustoichi Exporter penicillin (dikloksacillin, oxacillin, metitillin) affecting the resilience stafilokokkovu flora. The staphylococcus resistance to these antibiotics or allergies to penitsillinam shown a linkomitina, fuzidina, erythromycin phosphate. These antibiotics are effective and gnano-vospalitiona Diseases caused by bakteroidami.
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