Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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 separate disease

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

separate disease Empty
PostSubject: separate disease   separate disease Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 6:11 pm

Eritromelalgia rare vazomotornyi injury limbs. Meet mainly among middle-aged men. Pathological process begins with a paroxizmalnah pain in the hands and nervous, often unbearable. Pain is usually worse in the lower limbs, their voltage and in the hot season. Debt is (up to the complete disappearance of pain), with limbs flying and the cold. Length pain paroxizmov ranges from a few minutes to many hours. Much later, on the skin is otecona, testovatoi consistency pockets rozovo-krasnoho colors, which then gradually transformed into purpurno-krasny. Leather pockets by feel hot. The defeat can be as one, and bilateral, symmetrical and no. It can be expressed гипергидрозом, malnourished or nails койлонихией. The 20% of patients diagnosed mieloproliferativei process. Symptoms may be preceded by the development of the disease by an average of 2.5 years. Opouhol-assotsiirovan TH osteomalacia rare syndrome, which is characterized by gipofosfatemiei, giperfosfaturiei, gipovitaminozom D and osteomalaciei. All biochemical and clinical manifestations disappear with the removal of the tumor. How disorder, hormonal factor secretiruemy tumour cells, which increases the transport of phosphate bone kidney. Syndrome paraneoplasticski fever usually develops in patients over 65 years of age is acute beginning. The defeat joints (often lower limbs) is asymmetric. Rheumatoid factor is not defined. The 80% of women with the syndrome diagnosed breast cancer. Artropatia Jaco spread painless neerosivne distorting defeated small joints upper limbs. It is a manifestation of primary lung carcinoma. Gipertrofica osteoartropatia There : climate fingers; Periostitom; Poliartralgiei. Changing fingers deformation is from the type of drum sticks, and the swelling and soil nails "hour glass." Clinical presentation periostita : pain in the large joints, local hyperemia and hyperthermia, swelling, which may be given to the grand limbs. Rentgenologicaki found periostale imposition around diaphyses. The pathogenesis paraneoplasticescoy gipertroficescoy osteoartropatia discusses the role osteoblaststimuliruu ing Agents and other factors produced abroad. Most often found in cancer nemelcockleternm light. Deformation fingers dispensed with the adenocartinome light and mezoteliome pleura. Other cancers : nazofaringealny cancer, the cancer of kidney cancer, timoma, leiomioma oesophagus, osteogennaya sarcoma, fibrosarcoma. Medicine polimialgia Many pain proximal divisions shoulder and tazovogo belt, the lack of destruction of joints, fever, a significant increase Monday. The disease occurs only in the elderly and the elderly, and before what polimialgiu rheumatic as a separate disease, it is necessary to conduct a thorough search for cancer. Paraneoplasticskie manifestations in the limfoproliferativeh The 4% of adults first manifestations of leukemia are joint syndrome, which manifests itself symmetrical or migratory fever; Ossalgii, pain in the back of a radikulopatii. Articular manifestations are the result lakemicescoy infiltration virus envelope gemorragi in joint or periartikuliarnae tissue.
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