Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss

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 high concentration

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

high concentration Empty
PostSubject: high concentration   high concentration Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 2:06 pm

In addition, the The direct result of the charges include : 1. high degree of saturation of hemoglobin oxygen (94-96%), continued for 4 weeks after reinfuzii; eritropoaiza commencement and the increase in the number of cells in the blood and, as a consequence, improve the delivery of oxygen to the organs; 2. to improve the ability of tissue (including ishemizirovanna) to the disposition of oxygen and energy substrates, or normalization of the energy balance; 3. increased proteolytic activity; fibrinolysis activation, reduced concentration of cholesterol in the blood, thereby improving the vascular wall; 4. increasing the concentration of free heparin blood to the increase in the number of bazofilnykh granulozitov; koagulyatini suppression activity; reducing fibrinoguena; 5. accelerating flow as a result of a decrease in blood viscosity, and for the suppression of agregatini cells, and platelets. 6. pronounced increase in activity in the blood of 50%; 7. detoxification organism, the resistance to infections bakteritidnyi effect; 8. decline dofamine acid cium and glucose; Thus, the recovery of positive changes in the immunity rock properties of the blood, to facilitate biochemical processes, the saturation of oxygen in the blood, has expressed protivovospalitiona m effect. Are several models aircraft costs, a methodology for the recovery service MD-73 M Isolde "is the following. In order to prevent the trombozov manipulation intravenously injecting 5,000 U heparin. Blood taken rolikovm pump apparatus through the catheter, introduced in peripheral or in a central vein, passed through the bottom of the bath quartz glass measuring 35 cm located above source MSS -rtutna DRB-8 lamp. Of cuvettes donations come in a bottle with preservatives-20 ml 0.9% NaCl with the 5000 U heparin. After collecting blood pump moves blood returned to the track krovenosnoe RX and the second (mayatnikoobrazny to exposure). The active detoxification The medicinal substances through pupocnuu suicide. The UPP introduction of drugs through pupocnuu suicide is one of the active modes of transfusion therapy. V. umbilicalis obliterirovana only distalnom stretch, the rest of the attainable and goes in the left arm V.rogta. The complexity within cirrhosis, usually through rekanalizirovannuu pupocnuu suicide kollateralny the bloodstream gantries blood in the top with the vena cava. Transumbilicalnaya therapy should be prescribed individually, taking into account the clinical course, in the seriousness of historical data laboratorno-biohimicski, isotope studies. This method allows for the creation of a high concentration of drugs in the liver tissue. Furthermore, the Drugs stock directly to pechenocnam cells, bypassing noise filters (intestine, capillaries gantries systems, light), which dealt with Injecting or oral introduction. The local anasteziei above sperm after cutting skin aponeuroza, vnebruchinno out comes derjalke v. umbilicalis opened its clearance and fed siljkonirovanny plastic or rentgencontrastny catheter with one hole KK. Fixed catheter ligature to the vein. Distal ligature perevazavaetsa VIENA. Does provizornaya variant above retention catheter to the vein ligatures for ligirovania receptacle after catheter removal, wound poslano top.
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