Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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 a high risk

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

a high risk Empty
PostSubject: a high risk   a high risk Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 10:48 am

The curative activity is the separation scraping mucous membrane channel cervix and corpus uteri. The conservative hemostasis hormonal drugs to the vulva is a gross medical error. Further delaying treatment MQM is a related gynaecological disease, diseases of other organs and systems, the age of the patient. Absolute indication for hysterectomy is a combination of the MQM рецидивирующей аденоматозной or sale гиперплазией endometrium, fingers form of endometriosis (аденомиоза) uterus, подслизистой миомой uterus. Relative indication for surgical treatment of the combination with MQM рецидивирующей железисто-кистозной гиперплазией endometrium in women with obesity breached tolerance towards глюкозе and clinically expressed sugar diabetes, arterial hypertension. For prevention MQM during premenopauza after curettage use net gestagena, doses depend on the nature of giperplasticski process endometrii and age patient. It should be borne in mind that gestagena protivopokazana with embolism, myocardial infarct or stroke in history, with tromboflebite, varicose veins of lower limbs and rectum, chronic hepatitis and holetsistitah, jelchnokamenna disease, chronic pyelonephritis. Recommandations relative to receive them are expressed obesity (excess body weight by 50% or more), hypertension (with the AD above 160/100 mm Hg. Art.) As heart disease, causing swelling. Women up to 48 years, without soskobe jeleuzisto-kistoederal hyperplasia appoint intramuscular injections oksiprogesteron kapronata to 1 or 2 ml 12.5% solution at the 14th, 17th and 21st day after the vulva, and then during the same days of menstrual cycle in a period of four to six months. Also applied norkolut to 5 or 10 mg inwards 16th to the 25th day after the inclusive vulva, and then during the same days menstrual cycle in a period of four to six months. Women over 48 years to suppress menstruation appoint оксипрогестерона капронат continuously to 2 ml 12.5% solution injection twice a week for six months. In identifying the soskobe adenomatosna or sale hyperplasia of endometrium and contraindications for prompt treatment (heavy somatic disease) apply oksiprogesteron capronat continuously to 4 ml 12.5% solution injection three times a week for three months, then to 2 ml of this solution 2-3 times a week for three months. At the end of the 3rd and 6th months of treatment have control scraping mucous membrane channel cervix and corpus uteri with careful study Edition scraping. In recent years androgenov drugs to suppress the menstrual little used, as there are signs of virilization hypertension and hypertension. Moreover, if железисто-кистозной hyperplasia, or аденоматоза sale hyperplasia of endometrium андрогены weak compared митотическую activity and pathological митозы cells in the endometrium can метаболизироваться in эстрогены in adipose tissue and cells pathologically altered endometrium. In giperplasticeskih processes endometrii in women with the MQM during premenopauza successfully use cryosurgery. The refrigerant used liquid nitrogen. The specially designed apparatus with forced circulation nitrogen cooling криозонда is -180-170 °. Kriodestruktion were endometrium and be Oxytocics layers to a depth of 4 mm. After 2-3 months endometrium replaced by scar tissue. Contra not. During the treatment, aimed at preventing the recurrence of MQM, it is necessary to carry out the activities, addressing obmenno-endokrinnah violations. The food, with a limit fat to 80 grams per day and the replacement of 50% of animal fats plant, carbohydrates and 200 grams of liquids to 1.5 litres, table salt to 4-6 g per day in the normal protein content. Take food to be at least four times a day, which contributes to the normalization of желчевыделения. Shown гипохолестеринемичес What (полиспонин, цетамифен, мисклерон) ipolipoproteinemiche What (ленетол) липотропные (метионин, choline chloride) drugs, vitamins C, A, B6. Forecast, with the right treatment, in many cases, good. However, a high risk of аденоматозных and атипических changes endometrium and аденокарциномы of гиперплазированного endometrium (frequency of these processes пременопаузальных MQM can reach 40%).
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