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 including antibiotics

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

including antibiotics Empty
PostSubject: including antibiotics   including antibiotics Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 11:29 am

The antimicrobial therapy gnano-vospalitiona illnesses caused by nesporoobrazutmi anaerobami, is the drug resistance microflora. In its natural sustainability gram and anaerobic gram кокки высокочувствительны to most antibiotics, and gram bacteria, usually resistant to most antimicrobial agents. Accordingly, in the infections caused by anaerobnami kokkami should use benzylpenicillin and automotive penicillin, makrolida, linkomicin. Gram anaerobic bacteria susceptible to the latest penitsillinam - azlotillino and mezlotillino. Active preparations are also clindamycin, sirotaksim, metronidazole, zefoxitin. The following schemes combination antibacterial therapy infection by gramotricationami anaerobami : 1) ampicillin + + gentamicin trihopol; 2) levomicetin + + gentamicin trihopol; 3) gentamicin trihopol +; 4) linkomicin + + gentamicin trihopol; 5) rifampicin + + gentamicin trihopol; 6) rifampicin + + biseptol trihopol. All schemes have included trihopol - metronidazole for oral delivery. The powder, рифампицина linked to the need to suppress aerobic component of the infection. Adopting these drugs on the scheme in the light of the regular "biological" control and use giperbaricescoy oksigenation (Outlook) to make good therapeutic results. The lack of impact from the traditional antimicrobial therapy, the negative results of bacteriological crops under aerobic conditions should serve as a testimony to the appointment of drugs that have effects on неспорообразующие анаэробы and use Outlook. Ways to reduce antibiotikorezistent nosti гноеродной microbial flora. Impact on the adaptation of microorganisms to antibiotics, as well as the impact on the antibiotikorezistent ные strains, is a difficult task and is mainly to the following ways : 1. The large doses of antibiotics. 2. The search for new antimicrobial drugs, including antibiotics. 3. Of chemotherapy drugs widely used сульфаниламидные, нитрофурановые preparations хиноксалина derivatives, etc. Nitrofuranove drugs (furagin, furazolidin, etc.) in combination with antibiotics delay education lekarstvenno-ustoichi s Forms microorganisms. Mistakes antibiotikoterapii. Rational use of medicines, is a prerequisite for successful treatment. Failure to treat with antibiotics, the rapid growth sustainability microbial flora, adverse reactions are largely determined by the template approach to the use of antibiotics as safe medicinal substances and therefore be some errors. Recent due for the most part not know of doctors antibiotikoterapii foundations. B. J. Schlapoberski (1965) correctly noted : "Criticism should be no antibiotics, and those who use them in a rational, without relevant evidence", a Welch believes antibiotics, particularly penicillin as the best means for abuse.
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