primary defeat of isolated heart muscle of unknown etiology development cardiomegalia, in the final stages of developing a long heavy heart failure and complex human heart rhythm and conduction. In-depth studies in recent years have revealed some of the specific reasons for the development of this pathology, which allows to the treatment. Three forms of cardiomyopathy : 1) dilatatinuu; 2) gipertroficescuu; 3) restroguuyu. These forms vary patomorfologicaki, disorders of hemodynamics and clinical manifestations. Dilatazionnaya cardiomyopathy Dilatazionnaya cardiomyopathy is characterized by diffuse increased heart cells, predominantly left chamber, in conjunction with the optional moderate atrophy of attack. The disease occurs more often among middle-aged men in all geographic locations, with identified etiological factors can be different. Thus, dilatazionnaya cardiomyopathy can develop after a viral infection (a fatal viral myocarditis), or after childbirth (the so-called postpartum cardiomyopathy). Among the possible causes points to the role of alcohol, a shortage of food selenium and not assimilate carnitine. In 25% of cases the disease is a family matter, and in those cases, the disease most disadvantaged. AA. Hemodynamics disorders due to lower contractile function infarction (first left, then right heart chamber), which leads to the development of congestive heart failure in a small, and in the future and in a large range of diseases. The majority of patients in ventricular cavity in the latter stages of the disease are pristenocnae phlebo, followed by the development of emboli in small or large range of diseases. Clinical presentation. Specific symptoms not. Clinical presentation polimorfna determined : 1) symptoms of heart failure; 2) violations of rhythm and conduction; 3) trombo-amboliceski syndrome. All these phenomena in the development of end-stage disease, and the detection of dilatation cardiomyopathy in the absence of the symptoms is significant difficulties. In the early stages of the disease symptoms can not be identified.