Polifekalia characteristic : the total number of faecal masses per day can reach 1.5-2 kg. Sometimes a sharp craving for urinating shortly after delivery, and after urinating a sudden weakness, accompanied by cold sweat and dissipation hands (eunalnaya diarrhoea). In netagelah cases, and in the absence of colitis associated diarrhea may not even occur constipation. Characterized milk intolerance : after his admission increased flatulence, diarrhea. The worsening of the disease reception acute food containing large quantities of fat and carbohydrates, overeating. There is often a sort of yellow (golden) color faecal masses because of the unrepaired cium and large quantities of fat, giving kalovm masses brownish appearance. The microscopic study : a large number of food indriyas (lienterea) drops neutral fat (steatorea) droplets, and glybki crystals fatty acids and insoluble soap, muscle fibres (kitarinorea) free vnekletocny starch (amilorea), a large number of inflammatory evenly peremeshanna with urine masses. Syndrome insufficient intake is the steep drop in body mass index patient (in the most severe cases, up to cachexia), general weakness, malaise, decreased efficiency. The blood gipoproteinemia, gipoholesterinemia usually uploshchaeta sugar curve. The plight enterite there dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, liver, kidneys and other organs. Rentgenologicaki with chronic enterite most often accelerated the passage barieva mist on thin intestine and uneven concentration in the various bowel loops; Often visible utolschenne otecona creases mucous membrane, in the most severe cases, their smoothing the process of atrophy. In aspiratini biopsy of the top divisions toshchei cancer are inflammatory and dystrophic changes in mucous membrane, reduction of the size degree, known cell surface epithelial membrane and brushes width, in a variety of difficult stages of development of multiple changes. The course of chronic enteritis gradually progressing rapidly or, in rare cases (especially under the influence of treatment and strictly seasoned diet), there regression symptoms. More Wippla (enteric lipodistrofia), a disorder characterized by a violation of lipid accumulation and lipidno-mukopolisaha humid complexes in the membrane lining small bowel, regionarnah lymph nodes and other tissues. Meet rarely, mostly among middle-aged men. The disease is not completely understood. The bacterial nature of the disease. Significant role in the development of a given immune violations. Morphological picture is the large number of macrophages containing many small okrashiwathan Reagent Schiff (Shik-polaugitionah) includes, in its own layer of mucous membrane small bowel, resulting in deformity and smoothing intestinal degree, and subsequently to the disturbance of suction. Эпителиальные cells largely remained normal structure. There has been a sharp increase in lymph vessels, congestion in and lymph nodes lipidno-mukopolisaha humid complexes. Очаговые fatty инфильтраты detected in плевре, перикарде, in the liver.