Full recovery usually occurs spontaneously in a period of a few days to two weeks. Chronic progressive lung disease is a cough, the patients, fever of varying intensity and treatmentoptions. The dissemination has a weakness, fever, or pricorneva paratrahealnaya limfadenopatia caused defects in the bones, damage to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, meningizm, defeated joints. Diagnosis should be studied wet swabs, sputum culture, urine or dead. The diagnosis should be made on the samples sent to a laboratory to prevent contamination of personnel. Cytologic studies were useful and diagnostically meaningful positive result RCC in likwore. Seroconversion may be postponed until 8 weeks. Conversion skin tests on dates 3-21 day from the beginning of exposure, but skin test in the acute phase of illness little significance, as the test can be a positive post-exposure study with patients koktsidioidozom and negative in patients with polostami in the lungs or disseminirovannom process. Treatment in treating patients need to disseminated form of the disease. Inactive flowing infection ketokonazolom treated in the dose of 400-800 mg / day or intrakonazolom dose of 200-400 mg / sut. In difficult period shows amphotericin B dose of 0.5-0.7 mg / kg / day, with the positive drug are inside. Admission is continuing years. When meningitis impose flukonazol dose of 400 mg / kg / day, it may be necessary to introduce intralumbalnoe amfoteritina B. Single wall cavities are not responding well to chemotherapy, but usually not POE. The acute and chronic gistoplazmoz light Histoplasma capsulatum is in the moist soil contaminated with droppings of some species of birds and bats. Infection is common in the United States. Outbreaks of the disease reported among people who were in the cave, cistevshih sex on the premises for birds (chickens), exposure to the dust and soil. Infection occurs after inhalation of the agent. Clinical manifestations Acute lung disease has a mild or asymptomatic form. Clinical presentation : cough, fever, and X-ray light-roots adenopatia light with the sites pnevmonita or without him. In some outbreaks described associated erythema nodosum mnogoformnaya or erythema. Chronic gistoplazmoz light is podostram start with a productive cough, weight and heart potami. At ray chest is a single or bilateral fibrouzlove apical infiltrata.