Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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 average speed filtering

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

average speed filtering Empty
PostSubject: average speed filtering   average speed filtering Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 2:07 pm

Testimony to the TOS a case-by-case basis, taking into account the selectivity s coal to the metabolitam. Witnesses for the meeting with a payload liver failure in the form of central nervous system injury, jaundice, giperfermentemiei. Gepatotserebralnaya failure depending on the stage of marked slowing, and bringing great soporom, komatoznam condition. Bilirubinemia, the enzymes in dozens of times higher than the normal value. In the absence of selective breeding metabolites inside sorbent through its transport pores and get down to the surface a wide range of substances : enzymes, vitamins, hormones (aldosteron, insulin, tiroksin, triyodtironin). Therefore, in spite of the establishment of optimum weight, space usually involves a violation of homeostasis. Search measures preventing removal from the blood vital substances led to the processing of activated coal various substances : cellulose, belkovmi drugs, synthetic films. This treatment reduces the sorption capacity of coal from 5.8 to 36%. The TOS sorbiruyutza and injuries and identifications of blood, mainly leikozita and platelets, to a lesser extent cells and lymphocytes, which accordingly reduced at the end of the column with the sorbent to 40-70% and 18-25%. To prevent this, better compatibility with blood, less aggressiveness towards uniforms elements to be applied to the AG carbosorbenta with synthetic surface. Patients with CPU aszitom, jaundice, Mon under decompensation where it giperbilirubinemii, fermetemii prevailed phenomenon zitopenia, including trombozitopenia and anaemia, gipokoagulyatsii, Dvs-sindroma use of the TOS is extremely dangerous and not always justified. It can be applied to patients subcompencirosannah without expressed violations in the hemostasis and gipersplenizma. Plazmaferez. The method is to remove (afereze) from the blood of a number of plasma after the preselection blood liquid and the elements identifications, and return to normal vascular past. The division is using centrifuge (discrete method), or with membrane (filtration plazmaferez). A condition of plasmapherisis a correction volemicakih violations involving plazmopoterei, the completion of BCC. In discrete plazmafereze Blood test in sterile plastic container made from the peripheral blood. Spinning in the 2000 rpm for 15 minutes, followed by extraction plasma resuspendirovaniem cells concentrate in 150 ml izotoniceski solution of sodium chloride and reinfuziei eritrocitarna mass sick. The taking of blood in a container, followed by centrifugation is 5-7 times, which makes it possible to remove the entire session plasmapherisis between 1,000 and 1,800 ml of plasma. During every landmark centrifuge patient infuziruetsa plazmozameshchati solution that, while volume filling mass blood, improves its reologiu, warns kollaptoidnye possible reaction. Discrete plazmaferez, is the best way of plasma in the 55 to 60% without injury uniform elements. Opening hours removing 1500-2000 ml plasma is 2-2.5 hours. One of the most effective methods for the separation of blood is plazmaferez filtration, which can remove large amounts of plasma in a short period of time, 1000-2000 ml plasma in the 30 to 60 min. at an average speed filtering plasma from 30 to 50 ml / min. Reactions, complications and their prevention and treatment. Adverse events occur in 5% of cases may be due to gipocalziemiei the introduction of blood zitratnogo solution cooled blood and imposed solutions ekstrakorporalna system changes in the balance of fluids (and hypothetical gipervolemia) and the electrolytes.
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