By adversely affecting mental disorders in E. are also adversely sredove factors related to the employment of patients back to society, etc. Against described personality changes, in some cases, in connection with the seizures (before the onset or afterwards), in others, for no apparent external cause a variety of mental disorders. In the vast majority of these people are usually sudden beginning and the end, odnotipnosti clinical picture from the same patient (similar clichés), or short tranzithornosti (from a few seconds to several days, often longer periods). Patients E. to have mental disorders : disforii or mood disorders, twilight unsound mind, a nervous stalemate, epileptic special state-pripadochne dreams, delusions epileptic psychosis. Disforii found, in each case, epilepsy, which is characterized by the fact that they usually without any provocation. Those people are yearning, accompanied bolewami feelings in the chest, worry or fear fear, coupled with zlobnostew, suspicion, tension and willingness to destructive actions. Patients will be able to operate at about a painful thought, which could not escape; It is more often thought about suicide or killing loved ones (gomotsydnye thought). In the less serious condition a blind anger, the sick pridirchiv all disappointed. Other patients periodically become quiet, sad, malopodwijnami. Complain that it is difficult for them to concentrate. Nor can understand the questions addressed to them, as well as what was going on. Has been less of the high mood, often combined hadst. Application vostorjennosti up to the teenagers, theatrical behaviour ridden speech. In some cases, increased passion is moriopodobnyy (foolish) ring, and the behaviour of the patient, the nature clounada. The speech, and motor disorders are connotation slow and unproductive. Mood disorders can accompany feeling of consciousness with rasteryannostew and amneziei varying depths, delirious ideas vlecheniami moment in the form of vagrancy, thefts, zapoa, sexual excesses. Mood disorders lasting a few hours or days. There is a significant number of patients who have lifetime there have been only seizures, for example, small, and mental disorders morning монополярными or bipolar tendencies, or zirkulyarnosti phenomena. However, a change in the identity of such patients are typical epileptic features. The most frequent form of pathology in the sense of E. twilight is unsound consciousness. There are the simplest form of twilight feeling of consciousness and its variety (ambulatory automaticity, fugue-transa, somnambulism - lunatizm) and the twilight aberrations consciousness pay disorders (illusion modified affectom, hallucination). Distorted ideas and visions in the form of a normally terrible content. Application religiozno-misticesc e and erotic delirium ideas, less commonly ideas persecution and greatness. Of hallucinations dominated visual and olfactory; Visual hallucinations often contain large print, and often painted in red, yellow, white, at the other; They may look and behold. Application vision, near-patient and tesnaschie it (individuals, a crowd beast podstupataya water naezjati posad flying at ballou aircraft). Often there are visual hallucinations with the vision of blood, fire, the sun, red or pink clouds of red flags. There are scenes of religious, as well as where deployed historical events with the participation of the great men of the recent past and present.