According to the Ehokg suffering setbacks isolationist walls left chamber. Affiliation with alcohol ablaciei mortality rate is between 1% and 4%. Implant permanent driver rhythm in connection with the development of atrioventrikuliarna blockade required in 30% of cases, but this complication can be prevented by using a smaller number of ethanol. Unlike septalna miectomii, which happens more often against left leg Guisa beam; On the conductivity in septalna ablation-blockade right leg. Also available dissection coronary artery; The vast peredneperegorodorn th attack by retrograde DP3 alcohol. Testified for alcohol septalna ablation are : patients with severe heart failure (III functional class NYHA), refractor to the medication; Subaortalnam with pressure gradient greater than or equal to 50 mm. Hg. Art. certain data Ehokg alone or after provocative samples. Advantages ablation : * is not conducted in an artificial blood is not the risks involved; * Gospitalny short period; * A short period of rehabilitation; * Lower economic costs; * Expansion of the criteria for the operation (at the expense of the elderly and patients with concomitant diseases). Potential drawbacks : * the risk of damaging the left coronary artery; * In some cases, it is not technically possible to identify or target septalna branches; Low level of success for persons with a thick walls, air wing mitral valve or fingerprint muscles. Thus, the strategy for treatment of SCOP is difficult and requires a case-by-case analysis of the full range of clinical, anamnesticeskih, gemodinamicakih indicators for the diagnosis and risk stratification Sun, the course of illness and the effectiveness of treatment options available. Overall sound pharmacotherapy, combined with surgical treatment and elektrocardioterapie s provides a good clinical effect, prevent the occurrence of serious complications and improve the prediction, a large portion of patients SCOP. References : 1. NI Gromnacki The internist. M. : Medical Information Agency, 2005. - 812 pp. 2. A Report of the American Collage of Cardiology Foundation Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents and the European Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines. Eur Heart J 2003; 24 : 1965-91. 3. Gipertrofica cardiomyopathy : the current state of the problem (on the basis of a communication from the International Committee of Experts on SCOP). Consilium-medicum, 2004, Volume 6, No. 5. 4. Alexander Ryazanov Clinical aspects of the isolationist left heart chamber. Russian Investment magazine, in 2003, No. 2. 5. Heart and Metabolism, 2006, No. 17. * G. Lopashuk. Gipertrofica cardiomyopathy : the role of gene mutations sarkomernykh proteins and protein energy metabolism in the pathogenesis of the disease. * S. Redwood. Changes in the cell with gipertroficescoy cardiomyopathy. * E. Tadamura. Visualization metabolism in gipertroficescoy cardiomyopathy. * H. Seggewiss, A. Rigopoulos. The new method of treatment gipertroficescoy cardiomyopathy : septalnaya alcohol ablation. Syndrome liver failure-simptomokomplex characterized violation of one or more of the liver as a result of acute or chronic damage to the parenhima. Etiology, Pathogenesis Acute liver failure may arise in the worst forms of viral hepatitis, followed by industrial (arsenic, phosphorus, etc.), fruit (unpalatable mushrooms) and other gepatotropnami poisons, some drugs (extract male fern tetracycline, etc.), inogroupna transfusions of blood and in a number of other cases. Liver failure due to malnutrition and widespread nekrobiozom hepatocytes and (for chronic forms) massive development portocavalnah anastomosis through which much of the blood from the portal vein enters the hollow, and then, arterial track, bypassing the liver (which further reduces its involvement in the detoxification of harmful substances in vsasavathan leg). Most suffered antitoksica liver function, reduced its participation in various exchange (belkovom, blubber, uglevonom, elektrolitnom, vitaminnom etc.). Symptoms, during depend on the nature of the liver damage, the severity of the current process. In phase one clinical symptoms are not available, but reduced body tolerance to alcohol and other toxic effects, the results are positive stress liver samples (with galactosa, benzoatom sodium bilirubinom, especially vofaverdine).