There are three stages of chronic constroguogo pericardita : primary, and expressed distroficescuu. In the initial stage of the patient weakness and cramps while walking, it is unable to physical loads, a pastosnosti person; ORIONE pressure is rising after loads, no patient stagnation. The measure of the stage expressed phenomena recognize that the patient continued venous hypertension with odutlovatostthew person cianosis, nabuhaniem neck veins, and especially the emergence of aszita. Characteristically combination hypertension syndrome in the top with the vena cava and violations pechenerngo and portal blood, the ratio which, unlike the cases tampondy heart does not depend on the patient's body. Distrofica stage develops in the later stages of the disease, most often because of late diagnosis constroguogo pericardita. Patients are seven deep. They severely depleted; Muscle atrophy, tissues lose turgor. There trophic ulcers, developing contracture major joints. Along with aszitom vpotom and in the pleural cavities developed swelling legs, and then genitals, and the body, face and hands. Rheumatoid arthritis, systemic disease vospalitelnoe connective tissue Most defeat joints type of chronic progressive erozivno-destrugu th fever. Meet all klimatogeograficski x zones around 0.4% of the population, predominantly women's middle-aged and elderly people. Description of The multifactorialna theory rheumatoid arthritis can develop under the influence of a variety of impacts of the environment of genetic predisposition. Possible etiological factors discussed some infectious agents; Streptococci Group B, mycoplasmas, retrovirusa, Epsteina-barr virus. The revmatoidng arthritis is a chronic inflammatory process in the virus envelope joints due to the development of local immune response to education aggregation immunoglobulins (mainly Igg-klassa) to Fc-retseptoram producing Autoantibodies called revmatoidnami factors. Autoantibodies may form immune complexes connected with S1g-componentom complement, and with other proteins. Immune complexes away from sinovialnuu liquid faguoqitiruyutza neitrofilami that in the process of phagocytosis destroyed. As a result of the different enzymes lizosomaiona capable activate inflammation mediators - kinin, prostaglandins, components complement with anaphylactogennami, zitotoksicskimi and hemotaksicskimi properties. The latter facilitates the flow of a large number of Klebsiella in the joint cavity, which increases the accumulation of inflammation mediators. In the virus envelope concentrated activated lymphocytes, which, in the process of the cooperative Immune Response emit different limfokin providing povrejdatee effect on the fabric and cut to a granulem (revmatoidnykh door). AA vnesustavnykh majority (system) of rheumatoid arthritis linked to the development of immunokomplexnogo vasculita, as well as direct damage to the various tissues of activated CD4 and autoantitelami.