Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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 lower divisions

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

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PostSubject: lower divisions   lower divisions Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 10:56 am

Pathologic Physiology Three main factors : 1. horizontal wall arteries; 2. extensive vnutristenocna bruises; 3. sdavljenie or break many branches of arteries supplying blood vital organs (miocard parent or spinal cord, kidneys), and then disease. The mere sudden disintegration wall arteries even in the absence of express krovopoteri a pain syndrome. In type II stratification Even pain is usually localized to the sternum and simulates acute myocardial infarction. This situation often happens when stratification actually applies to the root rivers and compression to the coronary arteries. Pain syndrome is indeed coronary genesis. Further stratification Even I type pain "moved" in mejlopatocnuu area, and then to "descend" on the vertebrae in the lumbar area. The aneurysm type III initially localized pain in mejlopaterny area. People compare it with kinjalnam blow in the back. Irradiiruet pain in the left arm, the left half of the chest, applies to Eid. In disseminating the stratification on the ventral portion of the arteries aneurysm I and III of a pain in epigastria, gipogastria or localized in the lumbar area. In rearguard disparity anevrizm III type pain can be zagrudinny infarctopodobnyy and irradiarovti in the neck because of the distance primitive arc. The more primitive disintegration proceeds with malointensivei me. A number of patients stratification predator has virtually asimptomno, and the first signs of illness are symptoms Cerebral brain or spinal cord aortalna failure Cerebral kidney, digestive organs and lower limbs. Often, the first sign of delamination is the removal of the stomach, as traktuteesa anevrizma ventral arteries. Stratification branches arc rivers and descending thoracic and abdominal arteries parts can be accompanied by : 1) acute and chronic ischemic brain or spinal cord; 2) acute disease of the digestive system; 3) stable vazorenalna hypertension or myocardial kidneys; 4) acute ischemic lower limbs. Therefore, the sick can be a variety of diagnoses-stroke, coronary mezenterialnah receptacles renal kolica, tromboembolia bifourcation rivers; And hospitalized in the hospital in various fields. In the acute illness and anevrizma breakthrough in the cavity pericardium, plevralnuu cavity or space zabruchinnoe first clinical signs can be pain and untypical internal bleeding. Symptoms compression neighbouring organs characteristic of the true anevrizm breasts predator could develop and rasslaivath aneurysm arteries. Sitting in type II often symptoms of venous hypertension head, neck and upper limbs associated with sdavljeniem top with the vena cava. When I aneurysm of the arch exploration predator may show symptoms related to tracheal compression, left bronha (cough, stridor, frequent pneumonia), and returned nerve (osiplosti vote, dry cough). In some cases, the clinical picture in rasslaivatei anevrizme the breast arteries is similar to the clinical picture of myocardial infarction, and in the ventral rasslaivanii of mammals, with a picture of kidney cramps. The pain in rasslaivanii anevrizma Even usually strong, sudden, while acute coronary insufficiency pain may grow gradually. It is important to list the pain : if rasslaivatei anevrizme Even pain irradiiruet rarely in the hands, and pain location may change with the gradual movement of pain in the back, along the spine in the course of rivers stratification; Gradually pain can be spread through the lower divisions of the stomach and small hips. In true renal colic usually have dizuriceskie phenomenon, and other symptoms. Proof of rasslaivatei anevrizma serves and the emergence following the pain symptoms associated with the proliferation of distribution arteries in the area othozdenia main dish or more receptacles (asymmetry pulse on the upper and lower extremities, gemiparez, paraplegia or stroke, pain in the lumbar area gematuria, black cod). There were a variety of "peripheral vascular mask" diseases (type Takayasu syndrome), as well as "pnevmoniceskie, gastrointestinal (similar to the acute abdomen).
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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

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PostSubject: just learned from the refrigerator   lower divisions Icon_minitimeSun Jul 08, 2007 5:28 pm

You can combine all three systems into one, and still it is RA. But remember that the combination of fruit should have a snack, rather than as a dessert-only they can be fully digested organism. The temperature of food should be room : it is delicious just learned from the refrigerator, or own too much energy going to heat. Cooked raw foods (salads, purees, etc.) must eat immediately, they are kept. Pros • Syroedy suffer less cancer and heart disease. • . --- 2.
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