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 functional use

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

functional use Empty
PostSubject: functional use   functional use Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 9:36 pm

pronounced shifts out with the help of non-invasive methods of the study, the most popular method of echocardiography. This method makes it possible to determine lower heart release, the final систолический and диастолический of the left heart chamber, speed circular shorter heart muscle fibers, the регургитации. LC heart release can be installed with the help of the developed dye or radioactive tracer (radiocardiografia), as well as a direct method for sensing cavities heart. Adjust increase in the circulating blood, as well as the slowing of blood flow. ORIONE pressure clearly rising in developing правожелудочковой failure. According to the x-ray details of the pulmonary circulation (availability and the severity signs of pulmonary hypertension), and the extent of the increase in heart cells. In developing heart failure (regardless of the cause of it) is the extension of the heart, compared with the period of compensation. The increase heart can be a measure of contractile function hearts : the more increased heart, the greater the sokratitionaya impaired heart function. When elektrocardiografice Russia study any specific changes that fails : EKG shows changes typical of background disease. Фонокардиография (testing) helps to clarify the аускультации, identifying reduced amplitude tones, the emergence of additional tone in диастоле, optical noise relative mitral insufficiency, and / or трехстворчатого valve. Laboratory methods for determining levels of renin in the blood plasma, some electrolytes (potassium and sodium), blood condition, concentration will determine extent of hormonal and exchange violations in a case-by-case basis. However, these studies are not mandatory in the diagnosis ХСН. To determine the possibility of internal organs and systems and their functional use of the instrumentalno-labo atorne study. Complications in the long course HSN may develop complications that are essentially a manifestation of defeat organs and systems in the face of chronic venous stagnation, the lack of blood and hypoxia. These complications include : 1. Violations elektrolitnogo exchange and the blood; 2. thrombosis and embolism; 3. syndrome vnutrisosudistoi disseminated coagulation; 4. rhythm disorders and conductivity; 5. cardialny cirrhosis, with the possibility of liver failure. Diagnostics tab circulatory failure based on the identification of the characteristic symptoms at the same time determining the underlying causes. Usually, the first of two phases of the diagnostic search, and only to detect early (preclinical) stage HSN are coping with the instrumental methods of the study (in particular, echocardiography).
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