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 overfilling receptacles

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

overfilling receptacles Empty
PostSubject: overfilling receptacles   overfilling receptacles Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 9:35 pm

The human circulatory system in a small range can be measured only indirectly, for the physical limitations of efficiency. Clinical Manifestations picture ХСН a manifestation of внутрисердечной hemodynamics and changes of heart, the degree of circulation in a small and a large range of circulatory, manifestation Sluggish bodies and the degree of violation of their functions. Moreover, the clinical picture HSN characterized by the presence of symptoms of the disease, which had been a cause of circulatory failure. Thus, the clinical picture depends on the reduction of contractile function of a heart-dominated left or right heart chamber (hence levojeludochkovaya pravojeludochkovaya or inadequacy), or a combination thereof (total cardiac insufficiency). At the first stage, a diagnostic test-smoking increases and increased respiration, which are not in conformity with state and the conditions under which the patient (an infusion at different physical activity or at rest). Shortness of breath is a clear violation of the criterion blood in a small circle, the dynamics of the contractile function of the heart. Patients may be concerned about cough-dry or with the provision of a small number of eye examinations, sometimes with some blood (krovoharkanye), and is also a manifestation Sluggish small circle. Sometimes heavy breathing voznikaem pristupoobrazno, these attacks as cardiac asthma. Patients make complaints heart in the aftermath of physical activity, food, in a horizontal position, which under conditions conducive to strengthening the heart. In developing human heart rhythm patients complain of shortages in the heart or irregular its work. When Sluggish wide range of diseases were complaints decrease of urine (oliguria), or given it a night (nictoria). The gravity of the right podreberia from stagnant in the liver, its steady increase. The rapid growth in the liver may be quite intense pain in the right podreberie. Bring phenomenon in a large number of disorders of the digestive tract, resulting in a reduction of appetite, nausea, vomit, meteorism, and the inclination to zaporam. In connection with the violation of the circulatory early functional changes of the central nervous system : are quick mental fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, depressed. Patients also determine grievances stemming from the disease, which has led to the development of ХСН. At the second stage of the diagnostic search, first detected signs of the disease background, as well as the symptoms, the severity of which will be the stage of HSN. One of the first signs of heart failure is цианоз - синюшная colour mucous membranes and skin caused by the increased content in the blood of reduced hemoglobin (more than 50 g / l), which, unlike оксигемоглобина is dark in colour. Prosvecivaya through intact skin, dark blood gives them sinuchny connotation, particularly in areas where the skin thinner (lips, cheeks, ears, fingers poking). The zianoza different. Overfilling receptacles small circle if there is a violation of contractile function turned left and the disruption oksigenation blood in the lungs cause zianoza measure, the so-called central. Slower blood flow and increased utilization of oxygen, tissues causes flaccid цианоза that there is the prevalence of phenomena правожелудочковой failure. In both cases zianozu to increased circulating blood (which is essentially člen factor) and the content of hemoglobin. If the HSN and strengthening Sluggish liver violated its functions and structure, which may lead to the accession to the zianozu jeltushnogo hue. An important symptom of HSN-swelling. Delay liquid initially can be hidden and expressed only in the rapidly rising body mass index patient and the reduction of urine.
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