In order to control immunological specificity use the following controls : paint smears geterologicnami fluorescent savorotkami (Ku-ricketsialina, B.anthracis, tulyaremina or other), paint smears carbolovam blue and sinka. For contrastirovania domain remains a sanctuary albumin, tagged rodamina derivatives. Identification ricketsi using immunoglobulinovogo eritrocitarnogo diagnostikuma in response indirect gemagglutination RNGA with immunoglobulinovm eritrocitarian diagnostikum can detect R. sibirica in suspenziah mites internal organs of animals and other living facilities. The approach for the standard reaction diagnostikum issued Permo NIAVS, is a three-% formalinizirovannah suspended cells sheep processed tannins and sensitised loshadinam gammaglobulinom to R. sibirica. As a result of antigen ricketsi with antibodies, adsorbed on the surface of cells, they are agglutinative, which accounted for cetarehcrosna system. Titers RNGA in these studies typically 1:80-1:160. The reaction can be as makrometodom in polistirolovykh panels with holes, and mikrometodom using mikrotitrator Takachi. Preventing HIV encephalitis riccetsioza pricing policy : individual protection of the population from attacks and prissavania mites sanitarno-prosvetite nay of the population, the destruction of mites in animal pest control, protivoklestseva processing areas akaricidami measures ommusanitarnogo nature. Individual and public prevention. Priority should be given to the individual protivoklestseva protection of the population. Among mechanical protection is of particular importance protective clothing (special protivoklescheve costumes). There are currently several models such suits. They represent a set of shirts with a collar and pants. On the edges of channels and stanin these suits have elastic cuff. The jacket is filled with fly zone, and ends in stanin socks and shoes. Fitted normal clothing is filling in the jacket trousers, tight belt. Price wanted the boots, hoses edges tightly tied to the wrists rigueur, gates shirts soldier. After working protivoklescheve costumes look at the mites, and store in an uninhabited area. During his stay in areas heavily on kleshchevomu riccetsiosu, for the early detection of mites attacking ought to conduct inspections and vzaimoosmotra. Inspections carried out from time to time after 30 minutes, drawing attention to the open part of the body (especially the back of the neck), as well as on the front side of clothing. Full inspections mandatory checkpoints to be at least twice the time (during lunch break and after work). The carefully inspect the surface of the body and clothing. Sarkozy mite not immediately prissavetsa to your body, so its removal will be able to prevent infection. Mites, prisosavshihsa's body immediately removed. A place where prisosalsa mite, cuticles iodine tincture, a divorced water. At hobotok rust nakidave loop of a solid line and length, and then rocking it from side to side, gently pull.