Aetiology and pathogenesis of multiple etiological factors contributing to the development of fetal hypoxia, can be divided into three groups. The first group comprises extra disease mother (cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, etc.) syndrome sdavljenia bottom with the vena cava, anaemia, poisoning, intoxication krovopotera, shock different etiology, as well as complications of pregnancy and childbirth, in which there is lack of oxygen or excess carbon dioxide in the body of the mother. The largest competition group consists of plodovo-platzentarnog blood (pregnancy, pregnancy perenashivanie threatening premature birth, abnormalities of the placenta, premature detachment normally situated placenta, the placenta heart anomalies, in particular, generic activities spinal cord : obwitie around the neck and torso, and the fallout of the tension). The third group includes the fruit disease : Hemolytic disease, anaemia, gipotenzia, infection, congenital malformations, long sdavljenie head during childbirth. Oxygen deficiency is a major factor patogeneticski resulting in the violation of the body metabolism and eventually to a terminal condition. Reducing saturated blood oxygen makes significant changes respiratory functions and blood azidoza development. In these circumstances change many parameters homeostasis, the focus of which depends on the severity of hypoxia. In the early stages as a sign of compensating responses of a policy of the majority of systems. In the future, is oppression, and ultimately oxygen deficit is destructive processes in vital organs. The most significant changes are the macro and mikrogemodinamiki, metabolism. In the early stages of fetal hypoxia is universal compensatorno-zashchitn I reaction to the preservation of the vital organs and systems. Under the influence of oxygen deficit is a policy think morals and napochechnikov sectors, a large number of catecholamines and other vazoaktiveh substances that cause tachycardia, and the vitality peripheral vessels in the non-vital. The tachycardia, and the centralization of blood flow redistribution increased minutes of the heart, blood circulation in the brain, heart, napochechnikah, platzente and decreases in lung, kidney, gut, spleen, skin, which develops ischaemia these bodies. Against Cerebral possible disclosure anal pouches and exit mekonia in amniotic water. Prolonged or severe hypoxia, on the contrary, led to a severe oppression of napochechnikov, with a lower level of cortisol and catecholamines in the blood. Oppression hormonal regulation by oppression vital points lower heartbeat, a drop in blood pressure, venoznam stagnation, accumulation of blood in the portal vein. Under the influence of oxygen significant changes in metabolism : increased activity of enzymes involved in the okislitiono-vosstan Ideology processes, which leads to increased respiratory woven energobrazovania and in the liver fruit.