Clinical presentation is a violation of intake in thin intestine. Patients lose much weight, have pain in the abdomen, persistent diarrhea. Stoel hot, liquid, is steatorea. The polyarthritis, and defeated major joints may well precede other manifestations of the disease. There fever diffuse skin pigmentation, increased peripheral lymph nodes poliserozit. With the progression of the disease in the affected other organs and systems (new peripheral oedema, hilezny liver, disorders z.n.s. function, the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, etc.). Diagnosis set on the basis of the clinical picture (of particular importance steatorea progressive decline body mass index), as well as the results of the X-ray study (sharp increase wrinkling mucous membrane small bowel and increased lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity). The diagnosis is confirmed with gistologicescom and histochemical study mucous membrane small bowel, peripheral lymph nodes virus envelope joints. Colita Kolit ischaemia-segmental defeated large bowel caused by the violation of her blood. Most astonishing area seleuzenocna curvature less-lateral obodocnaya, descending and sigmovidnaya bowel. Clinical presentation. Гангренозная (necrotic), a form with the full lower pulmonary artery брыжеечной reflected attack резчайших pain in the left part of the abdomen, signs of intestinal obstruction, ректальным bleeding, and then, from peritonitis. Through casual form, "peremejatayasa limp hair" - with a partial hardening of the arteries; Is pain in the left part of the abdomen or epigastrii arising immediately or shortly after delivery, diarrhoea, abdominal vzdutiem sometimes vomiting. Gradually can develop wasting. In palpation abdominal pain is the localized destruction of the large bowel, inogda-zashchitnoe strain muscles of the front abdominal wall. Diagnosis confirmed ирриго-, ректоромано- and колоноскопией. In irrigoskopia were in the killing zone detected picture "psevdotumora" with a filling defect in the form of a thumb print. " Endoscopic study identifies swollen mucous membrane affected area, podslizistye bleeding, in chronic cases, vospalitionuu infiltration mucous membranes izgyazwlenia and as a consequence rubtsevania ulcers strictora-affected area bowel. Selective angiography brajeecnaya to confirm the estimate brajeecna artery. The course of chronic progressive form, the forecast in most cases negative. Complications : acute intestinal profuzne hemorrhage, necrosis of the bowel to the development of peritonitis, a gradual narrowing of the affected segment of the vospalitelno-rubtsov x processes in the wall of the bowel. Colitis acute is usually common, often combined with a severe inflammation of mucous membrane small bowel (acute enterocolitis), and sometimes stomach (gastroenterokolit). Coughing acute colitis, shigella (bacterial dysentery), salmonella, at the other patogennaya bacterial flora viruses. His reason may be nebakteriale food poisoning, grave error in the nutrition. The smaller role for some common infections, food allergies, toxic substances. Symptoms, over. There is pain or tianuschego spasticski character move in the abdomen, loss of appetite, diarrhea, general malaise.