The lowest hourly diureze (less than 0.5 ml / h) justified dioreticakih drugs. Testimony to the re-zamennomu transfusions are growing free cium more than 5.1 micromole per litre, lower hemoglobin. Intensive therapy kongugaih giperbilirubinemi aimed at improving the ability of albuminswyazawatei plasma desintoksikatini improved liver function, shifting exchange violations and removal from the body cium. All children from the first hours of life with a view to improving and kongugatini exkretorna liver appoint phenobarbital to 10 mg / kg body weight per day in two reception. Children from high-risk groups from the end of citrus-the two-day show odnomomentnoe intravenous plasma (albumin), 10% glucose solution at the rate of 10 ml / kg body weight. When ice and jaundice appoint drip intravenous fluid rate of 30-40 ml / kg excluding kormleni children weighing up to 1,500 g and 40-50 ml / kg body weight over 1500 worth of plasma or albumin (10 ml / kg), gemodes (10-15 ml / kg), 10% glucose. The speed of the liquid-1-2 drops per 1 kg of body weight per minute. In the future, depending on the concentration cium, and the spilling of acute liquid can be rotated. Infuzionnuu therapy in combination with fototerapiei. For the photo use of the lamp with a wavelength of 440-460 nm. Fototerapiu desirable in couvezah to ensure optimal for the child of temperature and humidity environment. The eye wear special glasses svetozashchitnye, genitals closed opaque paper. If conservative treatment is ineffective, and the hourly rate cium exceeds 5.1 micromole / l or showed symptoms of intoxication, it is shown zamennoe blood transfusions, which is based on the above methods. When treating with jeltukh expressed holetsazom (vnutripechenocnaya gipoplasia biliary moves, the family idiopathic holetaz etc.) apply jelchegonne means and phenobarbital, increases the secretion of bile and reduces zakuporku liver channel. Intrauterine infections caused by viruses (HSV, zitomegalia) toksoplazma, listeria and other agents require specific treatment, depending on the etiology. In sepsise symptoms of toxic liver damage disappearing because of antimicrobial therapy. The fungal lesions are light candidiasis, aspergillez, koktsidioidomikoz, gistoplazmoz, blastomikoz, parakoktsidioidomikoz, sporotrihoz, kriptokokkoz, mukormikoz and a few defeats. Tumours light Agent : drojjepodobnyy kind of fungus Candida. The most important Candida albicans, Candida tropicans. Tumours widely distributed, but more common in the tropics. The main source of infection-patient acute candidiasis the skin and mucous membranes. Infection occurs through direct contact with an infected person and for the use of common household items (bath, laundry, etc.). Mushrooms pathogenesis of Candida commonly found in the oral cavity, in feces and vagina. Local factors, as well as factors that depend on the state of the organism, leading to the infiltration of mushrooms in the fabric through damaged skin and mucous membranes, and gastrointestinal perforation as a result of injury or surgical intervention, the long-term use of catheters and burns. In potentially threatened the sick diabetes, HIV onkiematologicakim and diseases, pregnant women, and against a background of therapy with antibiotics or glukokortikoidami.