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 accession immune

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

accession immune Empty
PostSubject: accession immune   accession immune Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 2:58 pm

Usually preceded by petehiale bleeding of the skin and mucous membranes. 3. Mikrocirkulatornyi type observed during trombozitopeniah and trombozitopatiah with hypothetical and disfibrinogenemiah, the lack of X, V and II. Mixed (микроциркуляторно-ге matomny) type is a combination of the above forms and some features; mikrocirkulatornyi dominated type, the type gematomny expressed slightly (bleeding predominantly subcutaneous fat). Bleeding in the joints rare. This type of bleeding is observed during Villebranda disease and rheumatoid Villebranda-urgensa, since lack of activity koagulyantna plasma factors (VIII, IX, VIII + V, VII, XIII) may be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Of the acquired forms of this type of bleeding can be caused by a deficit of protrombinovogo complex and factor XIII, Dvs-sindromom, overdose and anti trombolitikov, new blood immune inhibitors factor XIII and IV. 4. Vasculitno-purpurnyi type is ekssoudativo-vospali elnami phenomena mikrososudah against immunallergicakih and nfectin-toksicesc their violations. The most common disease of the group is bloody васкулит (Шенлейна-Геноха syndrome). Haemorrhagic syndrome before symmetrically arranged, preferably on the extremities of the major joints, elements clearly отграниченными of healthy skin, acting on the surface, represented папулами, волдырями, bubbles, which can be accompanied by necrosis and education корочек. Maybe a wavelike, "dark" elements of bagranogo to yellow, followed by small schelusheniem skin. In васкулитно-пурпурном type abdomen possible crises with heavy bleeding, vomiting, and the macro микрогематурией (more), often in трансформирующиеся ДВС-синдром. 5. Ангиоматозный type characteristic of the different forms in телеангиэктазий ангиомах, артериовенозных шунтах. The most frequent type-Osler-randu syndrome. Irregularities megakariotitarno-tro bozitarna System : 1. Changing the size of the nine-тромбоцитопении; 2. Changing the functional properties of platelets - trombozitopatia. Trombozitopenia : The most well-known and common disorder of this group-trombozitopenica idiopathic purpura (TPI). Idiopathic тромбоцитопеническая пурпура is as hereditary as well as acquired, and the latter was found more frequently. IMC frequency is approximately 1 / 10000, and women fall at approximately 2 times more likely than men (as children, girls and boys infected with the same frequency). IMC acquired more females between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The IMC is in the face of diseases such as chronic lymphoblastic, chlamydia, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus red and other autoimmune diseases. In this case, the main reason for the decrease in the number of platelets in the blood is oppression megakariotitarnogo increases bone marrow, but the accession immune system trombozitopeniu increases.
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