Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss
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Hoodia Gordonii Diet and Weight Loss

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Number of posts : 203
Age : 49
Localisation : South Africa Hoodia Gordonii http://www.offshelf.net
Registration date : 2007-04-06

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PostSubject: recommended after   recommended after Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2007 10:46 am

On the scraping from (rich, polipovidnyi, croshkovidnyi) can judge the nature of the pathological process in endometrii. Similarly, the structure allows scraping gistologicescoe study. Typically, the MQM, women of reproductive age in endometrii find giperplasticskie processes : gelezisto-kistosnuu giperplaziu, adenomatos, atipicescuu giperplaziu. In recidivating MQM scraping a controlled гистероскопии (preferably in a liquid medium, as flush the uterus cavity improves visibility and more insightful method). During гистероскопии can be identified not deleted when выскабливании polyps and remnants of mucous membrane uterus, миоматозные hubs эндометриоидные moves. Gisterografia less informative, the only vodorastvorimami contrast substances in 1-2 days after curettage. In adenomiose in the radiograph visible vetvistye shadow, crossing into the ocean Oxytocics. Ultrasonic study provides the Oxytocics, identify and define the size миоматозных hubs and hotbeds of endometriosis, the changes поликистозные ovaries (increase their size, thickness capsules, small кистозные diameter of 8-10 mm), to detect and to clarify the position of intrauterine contraceptive or part of it. Moreover, ultrasound examination is essential in the diagnosis of uterine and ectopic pregnancy. Treatment includes surgical gemostaz and prevent repetition MQM. Are separate scraping mucous membrane channel cervix and corpus uteri (соскоб allocated гистологическое study). Trying to stop the infection of a woman of reproductive age with conservative methods, including using hormonal drugs should be looked at as a medical error. When anemia gipovolemii is the same therapy, as if these conditions in patients with minor bleeding. For prevention MQM using hormonal, and the dose is selected on the basis of the results of histology study scraping mucous membrane uterus. In железисто-кистозной hyperplasia of endometrium appoint эстроген-гестагенные drugs like birth control pills (нон-овлон, бисекурин, овидон, etc.) from one tablet from the 5th to the 25th day after the vulva, and then from the 5th-25th day menstrual cycle within 3-4 months. ; Retidiviruta with hyperplasia, in a period of four to six months. You can also apply the net gestagena (norkolut, progesterone drugs) or Clomifen followed by the appointment of oksiprogesteron kapronata. Норколут take on the 5 mg inwards 16th to the 25th day after the vulva, and then during the same days of menstruation, treatment three to six months. Oksiprogesteron capronat impose injection to 1 ml 12.5% solution at the 14th, 17th and 21st day after the vulva, and then during the same days of menstruation, treatment 3-4 months. (with retidiviruta hyperplasia 4-6 months). . Clomifene (кломифенцитрат, клостильбегит) appoint 50-1000 mg from the 5th-9th day cycle, and then give intramuscular 2 ml 12.5% solution оксипрогестерона капроната by the 21st day cycle. The course of treatment three months. Start treating the drug is recommended after a menstrualnopodobnykh emissions caused by the reception estrogen-gestagennah drugs or gestagenov after curettage. In рецидивирующей железисто-кистозной hyperplasia, at the end of the course of treatment are marked cytological examination аспирата endometrium or control scraping mucous membrane uterus followed Histologic study. In adenomatose or sale hyperplasia of endometrium showed a 12.5% solution oksiprogesteron kapronata to 4 ml injection twice a week for three months. , And then twice a week for 2 ml for 3 months. Since the end of the treatment control scraping mucous membrane uterus and гистологическое study scraping. Recommandations for hormone therapy are tromboembolia, jaundice during previous pregnancies, varicose veins of lower limbs and rectum, and the exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis.
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